Seul is a song composed by Andrew Fly featured by Laura Kleinas which describes the desire of human being to apply an important ¨Life changing” leaving stereotypes and the modern prison of routine and mediocrity.
The song has officially two versions: (SEUL and SEUL DARK MIX)
The automatic video provided by CDBaby has reached more than 20K of views on Youtube and it’s available online and Vinyl: Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, Shazam, ClaroMusica etc.
Many times I used to produce music using a robot voice, but this time I’ve chosen the amazing skills of the French singer and voice over Laura Kleinas who has incredible voice.
I’ve discovered that Laura has participated to the Music Reality Show named “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” 2013 Edition, an important German Music Format of the Television RTL, produced by Grundy Light Entertainment GmbH.
But in my little opinion I was totally interested to her voice and not about her important experiences on the broadcasting world, indeed when I’ve gotten the tracks of her voice I was crying of happiness.
I was moved for her performance, so I’ve continued the Mix and mastering and I felt cold for each part of the song (never I felt cold for a song for all the full during time).
I suggest Laura as singer for her fast working and professionalism which has generated colors in my song SEUL.

I’ve called Alessandro Tempesta, an amazing photographer and talented composer who is working as freelance for different Advertising Companies in Italy and so I said to him:
– Andrew- Alessandro I need one of your photos to publish the album, I love this one! (The actual photo of the album)
– Alessandro- Ok Andrew! Remember that the girl is Desirè Balena, an amazing and important dancer.
– Andrew- Ok I will write about her.

Desirè is the girl of the album cover photo and I am grateful with her about professionalism and kindess.
Desirè Balena is from Lecce , she is a contemporary dancer and She has studied different dance styles. She used to work for Italian televisions such as: Mediaset, RAI and LA7.
Actually She is one of the dancers of the Opera: IL GIUDIZIO UNIVERSALE (The Universal Judgement).